Mr Chaly Mah Chee Kheong
- Chairman of the Board
- Non-Executive and Independent Director of the Trustee-Manager
- Chairman of the Nominating Committee
- Chairman of the Remuneration Committee
- Member of the Risk and Sustainability Committee

Ms Koh Kah Sek
- Non-Executive and Independent Director of the Trustee-Manager
- Chairman of the Audit Committee

Mr Yeo Wico
- Non-Executive and Independent Director of the Trustee-Manager
- Member of the Audit Committee
- Member of the Remuneration Committee

Ms Ku Xian Hong
- Non-Executive and Independent Director of the Trustee-Manager
- Chairman of the Risk and Regulatory Committee
- Member of the Remuneration Committee

Ms Joyce Tee Siew Hong
- Non-Executive and Independent Director of the Trustee-Manager
- Member of the Nominating Committee

Ms Shirley Wong Swee Ping
- Non-Executive and Independent Director of the Trustee-Manager
- Member of the Audit Committee

Mr William Woo Siew Wing
- Non-Executive and Non-Independent Director of the Trustee-Manager
- Member of the Nominating Committee

Mr Quah Kung Yang
- Non-Executive and Non-Independent Director of the Trustee-Manager
- Member of the Risk and Sustainability Committee

Mr Tong Yew Heng
- Non-Executive and Non-Independent Director of the Trustee-Manager
- Chief Executive Officer of the Trustee-Manager

Mr Chaly Mah Chee Kheong
- Chairman of the Board
- Non-Executive and Independent Director of the Trustee-Manager
- Chairman of the Nominating Committee
- Chairman of the Remuneration Committee
- Member of the Risk and Sustainability Committee
- Bachelor of Commerce, University of Melbourne, Australia
- Fellow, Institute of Chartered Accountants, Australia & New Zealand
- Fellow, Certified Practising Accountants, Australia
- Fellow, Association of Chartered Certified Accountants, United Kingdom
- Fellow, Institute of Singapore Chartered Accountants
Date of First Appointment as a Director: 21 February 2017
Date of Appointment as Chairman: 19 April 2017
Date of Last Re-election as a Director: 19 July 2023
Present directorships in other listed companies:
- CapitaLand Investment Limited
Other principal commitments:
- Chairman, Surbana Jurong Private Limited
- Board Member, Monetary Authority of Singapore
- Member of the Board of Trustees, National University of Singapore
- Board Member, Flipkart Private Limited
Other appointments:
- Non-Resident Ambassador to the Republic of Costa Rica
- Board of Trustee, SG Eco Fund
Past directorships in other listed companies held over preceding five years:
- Nil
Background and working experience:
Mr Mah, 68, was with Deloitte for over 38 years. He retired in 2016 as the CEO of Deloitte Southeast Asia and Chairman of Deloitte Singapore. He was the CEO of Deloitte Asia Pacific and member of the Deloitte Global Executive from 2007 to 2015 and the Vice Chairman of Deloitte Global Board from 2015 to 2016.

Mr Chaly Mah Chee Kheong
- Non-Executive and Independent Director of the Trustee-Manager
- Chairman of the Nominating Committee
- Member of the Audit Committee
- Bachelor of Business Administration (Honours), University of Singapore (now known as the National University of Singapore)
Date of First Appointment as a Director: 24 March 2017
Date of Last Re-election as a Director: 19 July 2021
Present directorships in other listed companies:
- Raffles Medical Group
- Wing Tai Holdings Limited
Other principal commitments:
- Board Member, Surbana Jurong Private Limited
Past directorships in other listed companies held over preceding five years:
- Board Member, Hwang Capital (Malaysia) Berhad
- Board Member, Sembcorp Marine Limited
Background and working experience:
Mr Ang, 69, was a Senior Executive Advisor at DBS Bank Ltd (“DBS Bank”) before retiring in January 2020. He had been with DBS Bank since the start of his banking career in 1978. Prior to his role as an advisor at DBS Bank, he was the head of its Capital Markets. Through the years, Mr Ang has developed a wealth of experience in Singapore’s capital markets, having worked on landmark deals such as the listing of Singapore Airlines Ltd, Singapore Telecommunications Ltd and CapitaLand Mall Trust. He had previously served on the boards of Hwang Capital (Malaysia) Berhad, Sembcorp Marine Limited, Changi Airport Group, DBS Foundation Ltd and NetLink Management Pte. Ltd. (the trustee of NetLink Trust).

Ms Koh Kah Sek
- Non-Executive and Independent Director of the Trustee-Manager
- Chairman of the Audit Committee
- Bachelor of Commerce, University of Melbourne, Australia
- Fellow, CPA Australia
- CA (Singapore), Institute of Singapore Chartered Accountants
Date of First Appointment as a Director: 21 February 2017
Date of Last Re-election as a Director: 28 September 2020
Present directorships in other listed companies:
- Far East Orchard Limited
Other principal commitments:
- Executive Director and Chief Financial Officer, Far East Organization
- Fellow Member and Divisional Councillor of CPA Australia (Singapore Division)
- Chair, CFO Committee, CPA Australia (Singapore Division)
- Council Member – Professional Education Council, Singapore Accountancy Commission
- Member, Accounting Standards Council Singapore
- Committee Member, Audit Committee Chapter, Singapore Institute of Directors
- Director, Baker & Cook Pte Ltd
Past directorships in other listed companies held over preceding five years:
- Nil
Background and working experience:
Ms Koh, 50, is the Executive Director and Chief Financial Officer (“CFO”) of Far East Organization (“FEO”), where she is responsible for FEO’s financial affairs, including corporate finance, treasury, overseas investments, risk management and capital management. She also oversees corporate functions of FEO’s Group Legal Division.
Ms Koh is a board member of Far East Orchard Limited (“FEOR”) since 2016 and has assumed the role as board Chairman of FEOR on 18 April 2022. She was a member of the Remuneration Committee from 2017 to 2021.
Prior to joining FEO, Ms Koh worked in Singapore Telecommunications Limited (“SingTel”) from 2005 to 2011. In SingTel, she held various senior management positions, such as the Group Financial Controller, CFO of Singapore Business and Group Treasurer. Ms Koh previously served as a board member of public listed companies including Globe Telecom, Inc. and Advanced Info Service Public Company Limited. Prior to joining SingTel, Ms Koh began her career with PriceWaterhouse and thereafter she worked at a leading global investment bank before she held a senior management role in a public listed F&B company in Singapore.

Mr Yeo Wico
- Non-Executive and Independent Director of the Trustee-Manager
- Member of the Audit Committee
- Member of the Remuneration Committee
- LLB (Hons), National University of Singapore
Date of First Appointment as a Director: 21 February 2017
Date of Last Re-election as a Director: 23 July 2024
Present directorships in other listed companies:
- Vicplas International Ltd
Other principal commitments:
- Partner, Allen & Gledhill LLP
- Board Member, Changi Airports International Pte. Ltd.
Past directorships in other listed companies held over preceding five years:
- Nil
Background and working experience:
Mr Yeo, 58, is currently a partner of Allen & Gledhill LLP, a Singapore law firm. He has been in legal practice in Singapore as an Advocate and Solicitor of the Supreme Court of Singapore since 1992. In addition, Mr Yeo was admitted as a solicitor of England and Wales and as an Attorney and Counselor-at-Law in the State of New York. He also serves as the non-executive chairman and director of Vicplas International Ltd and sits on the board of Changi Airports International Pte. Ltd.. He was previously an independent non-executive director of CitySpring Infrastructure Management Pte. Ltd., the then trustee-manager of CitySpring Infrastructure Trust (now known as Keppel Infrastructure Trust) and a non-executive director of SP Services Limited (a wholly-owned subsidiary of Singapore Power Limited). He had also served as a member of the Accounting Standards Council.

Ms Ku Xian Hong
- Non-Executive and Independent Director of the Trustee-Manager
- Chairman of the Risk and Regulatory Committee
- Member of the Remuneration Committee
- Bachelor of Science, National University of Singapore
- Master of Business Administration (with Distinction), DePaul University, Chicago
Date of First Appointment as a Director: 1 October 2018
Date of Last Re-election as a Director: 23 July 2024
Present directorships in other listed companies:
- Far East Orchard Limited
Other principal commitments:
- Nil
Other appointments:
- Board Member, Surbana Jurong Private Limited
Past directorships in other listed companies held over preceding five years:
- Nil
Background and working experience:
Ms Ku, 64, is currently a Director on the Board of Far East Orchard Limited (“FEOR”), Chairman of the FEOR Nominating Committee and a Member of the FEOR Remuneration Committee. She also sits on the Board of Surbana Jurong Private Limited (“SJ”) and is a Member of SJ’s Audit & Risk Committee. She serves on the working committees of a number of non-profit organisations.
Ms Ku had previously served as a board member of Anyhealth Company Limited, a company in China focused on providing business-to-business (B2B) and business-to-consumer (B2C) healthcare mobile solutions, and in the editorial committee of the first edition of the series of Corporate Governance Guides published by the Singapore Institute of Directors.
Prior to her directorship roles, Ms Ku spent 27 years in Accenture Singapore where she was a Managing Director. She assumed multiple Asia Pacific leadership roles during her career at Accenture where she worked with clients across various industries to implement technology solutions, and improve business processes and organisation performance. She also spent four years in China, Hong Kong and Taiwan where she established the Greater China Change Management practice to help clients transform their organisation and workforce.

Ms Joyce Tee Siew Hong
- Non-Executive and Independent Director of the Trustee-Manager
- Member of the Nominating Committee
- University of Oregon – Masters of Business Administration
- University of Oregon – W.H. Shields Scholarship
- University of Oregon – Bachelor of Science (cum Laude) Double Majors in Finance and Decision Science
- University of Chicago-Booth School of Business – The Accelerated Development Program
Date of First Appointment as a Director: 1 December 2023
Date of Last Re-election as a Director: Not Applicable
Present directorships in other listed companies:
- Nil
Past directorships in other listed companies held over preceding 5 years:
- Nil
Other principal commitments:
- Managing Director, Group Head, DBS China, Institutional Banking Group
- Board Director and Member of EXCO, Orix Singapore Leasing Pte Ltd
- Board Director and Member of Audit & Finance Committee, SISTIC.com Pte Ltd
- Board Director, DBS Foundation Ltd
Background and working experience:
Ms Joyce Tee, 58, is Managing Director, Group Head, DBS China, Institutional Banking Group. She joined from Singapore in January 2023 and is responsible for DBS Bank’s corporate and institutional banking business in China.
Before joining from Singapore, Ms Tee was Managing Director & Group Head of SME Banking and oversaw the SME banking franchise across the region. Ms Tee is a strong advocate of driving business change that focus on the growth of corporates and SMEs alike. Through Ms Tee’s leadership, DBS was awarded ‘World’s Best Bank for SMEs’ by Euromoney in 2018 and 2022. Ms Tee was also recognised as Banker of the Year (Regional) by Asset in 2018 and was conferred a Fellowship by the Institute of Banking and Finance (IBF) in 2019. She has powered consistent growth of the franchise with incremental growth in non-Singapore revenue contribution since leading the business to date and maintaining balanced franchise performance in Singapore.
Prior to DBS, Ms Tee worked in OCBC Bank’s Enterprise Banking unit for four years, covering the offshore marine and commodities sectors. She also spent 12 years in the United States at Grant Thornton providing management consultancy and financial advisory to SMEs, and as a senior credit officer at a regional bank in Houston Texas.

Ms Shirley Wong Swee Ping
- Non-Executive and Independent Director of the Trustee-Manager
- Member of the Audit Committee
Date of First Appointment as a Director: 1 December 2023
Date of Last Re-election as a Director: 23 July 2024
Professional Qualifications
- City & Guilds of London Institute – Electrical & Electronics Engineering Diploma
Present directorships in other listed companies:
- Nil
Past directorships in other listed companies held over preceding five years:
- Nil
Other principal commitments:
- Managing Partner, TNF Ventures Pte Ltd
- Entrepreneur-In-Residence, Singapore Management University
Background and working experience:
Ms Wong, 59, is currently the Managing Partner of TNF Ventures Pte Ltd, a seed and early stage venture fund that focuses on technology startups. She serves on the boards of Assurity Trusted Solutions Pte Ltd, DSO National Laboratories, National Kidney Foundation, Yellow Ribbon Singapore and Wonder Strategic International Pte Ltd. Ms Wong is currently an Advisory Committee Member of the Civil Aviation Authority of Singapore, the Personal Data Protection Commission and SIA Engineering Company.
Having co-founded Frontline Technologies in 1994, Ms Wong steered the company to a Singapore Exchange listing in 2001 and a subsequent acquisition by British Telecom Global Services in 2008. Ms Wong oversaw the management and operations of the BT Frontline group in Asia Pacific, where she led the professional services business for Cyber Security, Healthcare and Applications Development. From 2013 to 2016, Ms Wong was the Chairman of Singapore Infocomm Technology Federation which is now known as SGTech.
Ms Wong is recognised as Singapore 100 Women in Tech 2020 for her contribution to the tech sector and she remains a driving force in shaping the technology and entrepreneurial landscape.

Mr William Woo Siew Wing
- Non-Executive and Non-Independent Director of the Trustee-Manager
- Member of the Nominating Committee
- Bachelor of Applied Science in Computing (Distinction), Queensland University of Technology, Australia
- Executive MBA, National University of Singapore with an Academic Excellence Award
Date of First Appointment as a Director: 27 November 2020
Date of Last Re-election as a Director: 19 July 2021
Present directorships in other listed companies:
- Nil
Other principal commitments:
- Group Chief Information Officer and Group Chief Digital Officer, Singapore Telecommunications Limited
Other appointments:
- Board Member, Trustwave Holdings Inc
- Board Member, VA Dynamic Sdn Bhd
Past directorships in other listed companies held over preceding five years:
- Nil
Background and working experience:
Mr Woo, 58, is currently Singapore Telecommunications Limited (Singtel)’s Group Chief Information Officer and Group Chief Digital Officer. He is responsible for driving the IT vision and strategy in technology management to enable the digital transformation at Singtel Group. He is also a member of the Singtel Management Committee.
Mr Woo joined Singtel from Xchanging PLC, a London-listed leading business processing and technology service provider and integrator, where he was Managing Director for the South East Asia region. Prior to that, Mr Woo worked at Electronic Data Systems (EDS) for 20 years and had held various senior management roles which included Managing Director of South East Asia & India and Vice President, Global Service Delivery of Asia.

Mr Quah Kung Yang
- Non-Executive and Non-Independent Director of the Trustee-Manager
- Member of the Risk and Sustainability Committee
- Bachelor of Accountancy, University of Kent at Canterbury, United Kingdom
- Fellow, Institute of Chartered Accountants in England & Wales
- CA (Singapore), Institute of Singapore Chartered Accountants
Date of First Appointment as a Director: 3 November 2022
Date of Last Re-election as a Director: Not Applicable
Present directorships in other listed companies:
- Nil
Other principal commitments:
- Group Financial Controller, Singapore Telecommunications Limited
Past directorships in other listed companies held over preceding five years:
- Nil
Background and working experience:
Mr Quah is currently the Group Financial Controller for Singapore Telecommunications Limited (Singtel), overseeing the business reporting of the Singtel Group, and the business management of their regional joint ventures and associates.
He has responsibilities for business enablement initiatives that drive performance across the Singtel Group and is also the finance business partner for the Singtel Group Corporate functions, such as IT, HR, Procurement, Legal and Property.
With close to 30 years’ experience at Singtel, Mr Quah was previously the CFO of various Singtel business units, the most recent being the CFO of Optus, SingTel Group's subsidiary in Australia. He has also held various roles within the Singtel Group in the areas of Corporate Finance, Tax and International Operations.

Mr Tong Yew Heng
- Non-Executive and Non-Independent Director of the Trustee-Manager
- Chief Executive Officer of the Trustee-Manager
- Bachelor of Engineering (Honours), University of Strathclyde, United Kingdom
- Master of Business Administration, Nanyang Technological University
- Executive Development Programme, International Institute of Management Development, Switzerland
- CA (Singapore), Institute of Singapore Chartered Accountants
Date of First Appointment as a Director: 21 February 2017
Date of Last Re-election as a Director: 19 July 2021
Present directorships in other listed companies:
- Nil
Other principal commitments:
- Nil
Past directorships in other listed companies held over preceding five years:
- Nil
Background and working experience:
Mr Tong, 59, has been the CEO of NetLink Trust (“NLT”) since January 2016. In this role, he is responsible for the overall leadership and performance of NLT. Mr Tong brings with him more than 20 years of experience from senior management positions in various industries. Prior to joining NLT, Mr Tong was Executive Vice President, Corporate & Market Development, of Singapore Technologies Electronics Limited. Before that, he was CEO of CitySpring Infrastructure Trust.